Beverage Delivery Customers Go Back to the Office

Beverage Delivery Customers Go Back to the Office

What’s Up with Delivery in 2022

The “new normal” is getting a bit more, well, normal, as more workers head back into the office—and that means it’s time for water service providers to update their plans accordingly.

By the numbers: In a recent survey* of over 300 water service customers: 

  • 9 in 30 office customers forecast an increase in water/coffee delivery demands as increasing office usage climbs back post-pandemic. 
  • 11 in 30 home delivery customers report having saved between 10% and 28% on annual beverage spend. 
  • 14 in 30 office customers are more likely to recommend a provider if they offer coffee AND water than water alone. 

The big picture: Demand at the office level is slowly returning in 2022. Meanwhile, home customers are saving big money in a time of big inflation. Additionally, to win in the office segment, expansion to more beverages and services appears to be key.

Let us serve you. TimePayment is committed to the IBWA and its members and we hope these insights are valuable as you put growth plans in place this year. And remember, we can help you fund growth, one customer at a time. 

* 1H22 Greenwich | Sawbux Survey of Commercial Finance Decision Making


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