Water Dealers Have New Competition

New Competition

A recent survey* of over 500 copier and office technology dealers found that 27% offered office water service in 2022.

That’s a 200% jump from 9% in 2018.

New competitors are entering your market, so focusing on affordability and service is key.


The Road to Faster Fuel Savings

Could a better approach to route management cut costs—especially fuel costs—when you need to find savings?



More Trusted Than Tap

Bottled water consumption continues to grow and has recently set all-time records. 91% of consumers want bottled water options wherever drinks are sold. But interestingly, if no bottled option is available, consumers will not turn to the tap. Trust in tap water remains low, which represents a continued opportunity for at-home delivery.


We’ll Help You Grow

As a committed, long-time finance provider to water delivery and service companies, TimePayment is uniquely positioned to help you keep costs down and grow. To inquire about how financing can help you scale for growth in this unprecedented environment, contact us today.


* 1H22 Greenwich | Sawbux Survey of Commercial Finance Decision Making

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